Prayer Diary for Ilfracombe and Barnstaple Methodist Circuit

Please pray for the following on each date identified in the month

1st        Christ Church, Braunton

2nd        Rev. Stephen Caddick – Circuit Superintendent and Sharon Caddick

3rd       Calvary Chapel at Woolacombe and Pastor Jason Thorpe

4th        Marwood

5th        Church and Circuit Stewards and Elders

6th        Combe Martin

7th        Bratton Fleming, Challacombe and Vicar Rev. Rosie Austin

8th        Those who work with children and young people

9th        Fremington

10th      Newport

11th      Circuit Leadership Team

12th      High Bickington and Ebberley Lodge

13th      Loxhore and Peter and Sylvia Edwards

14th      Churches Together, friends in our towns and villages

15th      Circuit Administrator – Jane Venables

16th      Local Preachers and Worship Leaders and our Circuit LP/WL Secretary Sue                       Kendall

17th      Goodleigh and the Rev. Paul Taylor

18th      Rev. Tracey Darling and Paul Darling (Planning for September 2024)

19th      Sticklepath

20th      Geoff Harding and Brenda Prentice

21st      Church Secretaries

22nd      Other ministers in our circuit. Rev. Sue Macbeth, Rev. John Kendall,                                      Rev. Robert  Manning, Rev. Bill Perry, John Bland, Deacon Joan Cole, Rev. Stella                Long, Rev. Tony Coates, Rev. John Robinson, Rev. Margaret Johnson.

23rd      Treasurers in our Churches and Circuit

24th      Christ Church Barnstaple

25th     Circuit Safeguarding Officers, Rev. Marilyn Tricker and Church Safeguarding                      Officers

26th      Property Officers in Churches and Circuit

27th      Plymouth and Exeter District Team and the District Chair Rev. Dan Haylett

28th      Norah Bellot Court – staff, residents and chaplain, Sally Blackmore.

29th      Pastoral Visitors

30th      Those who work with the elderly and the frail

31st      Thank God for your blessings and pray that you will continue to find joy as you                  serve Him in your church and community.

‘Tis Jesus the first and the last, whose spirit shall guide us safe home;  We’ll praise him for all that is past and trust him for all that’s to come.


Joseph Hart StF 6