Local Preachers and Worship Leaders
We have a Local Preachers Secretary: Mrs S Kendall
Local Preachers are members of the Methodist Church who have heard and answered God’s call to lead worship and preach. Not usually employed by the church, typically they are lay people who offer their services freely.
Local Preachers conduct worship and preach routinely in the churches in the circuit or, by invitation as ‘visiting preachers’ in other circuits. It is estimated that approximately 70% of all Methodist services are conducted by Local Preachers.
Selection and training is a carefully graded and demanding exercise. Once training has been completed, the member becomes a fully accredited Local Preacher for life and a full, active and indispensible member of the ministry team in the circuit.
If you would like to know more about Local Preachers and Worship Leaders visit the Methodist Church
Worship Leaders are lay members of the Methodist Church who have received a call to assist in leading worship within their local church. After undergoing appropriate training, they are appointed to take part in various aspects of leading worship, offering to the preacher their gifts and talents plus their knowledge of the local congregation.
There are currently some twenty six people in these categories in the circuit.
The latest Preaching Plan has its own page.